Tuesday, June 17, 2008

How to view stuff on linux

So, I have been learning a butt load about linux lately. This means I have hardly scratched the ice berg, but just in case someone finds themselves as lost as I was at first, here is a quick list of commands to view files on Linux.

If you open a terminal, and navigate around a little (if you don't know how to navigate, try Googleing change directory) eventually you find a file that you want to open and read/edit

Sometimes this read/edit stuff can be hard, so here are a few things to try:

vim filename
gedit filename
emacs filename
edit filename
less filename
more filename

If all else fails, you can do cat filename, which just prints out the contents to the terminal, no editing allowed.

To exit out of those text editors can also be challenging. Try Esc, or hit : then q. The : tells it you want to issue a command, and q is for quit(or quit/save). I am sure there are others, like quit and no save, but you will have to look those up on your own.


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